Sunday, 22 February 2015

Week 3: Twang & your Twanger

1. Twang has nothing to do with your Nose! Twang should not be nasal, unless you make a character choice to use nasal twang, e.g. Panto Witch
2. Twang is NOT a pure Voice Quality. It is a very versatile, safe resonating device/ring of muscle used in commercial music, MT & in Opera.
3. Your Twanger or aryepiglottic sphincter is a resonating device located above the vocal folds. It is the squillo of Opera; ringing & intense.
4. Carefully crafted Twang exercises are fabulous for sorting out many vocal weaknesses & problems  in all styles of music. Perfectly safe!
5. Twang thins the Vocal Folds, assists in tilting the thyroid, helps negotiate the middle transition (Break!) & helps to prevent driving air!

Follow us at Facebook and Twitter!

- Ross Campbell
Professor of Singing, Royal Academy of Music, London

Director & Head of Singing, Musical Theatre Ireland, MTI
Award winning Author for ABRSM Songbooks 1 - 5
1-to-1 Vocal Training & Consultations available

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Week 2: Body Support

1. Singing is so healthy for your well-being. It stimulates your brain-centred pineal gland releasing happy endorphins into your bloodstream.
2. It is absolutely essential to know the difference between BREATHING & SUPPORT muscles. For example, we MUST not support with the Diaphragm!
3. 2 main elements of good POSTURE for Singing: 1. A Long Spine & 2. Breadth across the Upper Chest. Vital for the function of breath support.
4. Be clear on the action/purpose of your Diaphragm & the Muscles of Support. This is one of the biggest confusions in the Teaching of Singing!
5. Clarity of how Muscles function is paramount to healthy & good quality Singing. Know correct levels of EFFORT.

Follow us on Facebook and Twitter!

- Ross Campbell
Professor of Singing, Royal Academy of Music, London

Director & Head of Singing, Musical Theatre Ireland, MTI
Award winning Author for ABRSM Songbooks 1 - 5
1-to-1 Vocal Training & Consultations available